
Baron & Budd Environmental Practice Named to Law360’s 2023 Practice Group of the Year

DALLAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Today, the nationally recognized law firm Baron & Budd is pleased to announce that the firm’s Environmental Litigation Group (ELG) has been named for the second time to Law360’s Practice Group of the Year. The award honors law firms with significant litigation wins and major deals that resonated throughout the legal industry in the past year.

The environmental practice was recognized for several historic achievements including a record $12.5 billion nationwide class settlement with 3M, the largest drinking water contamination settlement in U.S. history. Shareholder Scott Summy was court-appointed co-lead counsel and one of the architects of the comprehensive settlement structure that addressed PFAS chemicals in public water systems across the nation. The lawsuit accused 3M and other companies of manufacturing and selling products containing PFAS despite knowing of their potentially harmful effects.

Known as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are man-made chemicals used in the production of non-stick, stain resistant, and waterproof products. They are also used in aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) which is a firefighting agent used to extinguish fuel fires at airports, military bases, and fire training centers. PFAS chemicals spread rapidly in the environment and have been linked to significant human health issues.

The ELG also obtained a $1.1 billion nationwide class settlement on behalf of public water providers against DuPont and other manufacturers for PFAS contamination in drinking water supplies. Summy served as co-lead counsel and settlement counsel and constructed the settlement structure that addressed PFAS in public water systems nationwide. The funds were crucial to public water systems seeking to remediate PFAS contamination in their water supplies.

In 2023, Baron & Budd’s wildfire attorneys, led by Shareholder John Fiske, obtained $181 million in awards and settlements for utility caused wildfires. These settlements include a $100 million settlement with Southern California Edison for damages caused by the Bobcat Fire and a $24 million settlement with Pacific Gas & Electric for damages caused by the Dixie Fire.

“On behalf of everyone who works in the Environmental Litigation Group, we are honored to be recognized by Law360 for our unwavering commitment to justice in environmental matters,” said Baron & Budd shareholder and leader and founder of the Environmental Litigation Group, Scott Summy. “We will continue to pursue accountability in wildfire and water contamination cases and safeguard our environment against corporate negligence.”

The ELG is comprised of Scott Summy, Carla Burke Pickrel, Celeste Evangelisti, John Fiske, Stephen Johnston, Cary McDougal, Brett Land, Jason Julius, Torri Sherlin, Staci Olsen, Chris Campbell, Christopher Edwards, Jessica Gooding, Sangeeta Kuruppillai, Taylor O’Neal, Erin McIntosh, Jennifer Hutchison, Janell Green, and Kathy Jensen.

About Baron & Budd, P.C.

With more than 40 years of experience, Baron & Budd has the expertise and resources to handle complex litigation throughout the United States. As a law firm that takes pride in remaining at the forefront of litigation, Baron & Budd has spearheaded many significant cases for hundreds of public entities and tens of thousands of individuals. Since the firm was founded in 1977, Baron & Budd has achieved substantial national acclaim for its work on cutting-edge litigation, trying hundreds of cases to verdict and settling tens of thousands of cases in areas of litigation as diverse and significant as dangerous and highly addictive pharmaceuticals, defective medical devices, asbestos and mesothelioma, wildfires, environmental contamination, fraudulent banking practices, e-cigarettes, motor vehicles, federal whistleblower cases, and other consumer fraud issues.


Debra Collier
Marketing Manager

Steven T. Baron

Baron & Budd, P.C.

Release Versions


Debra Collier
Marketing Manager

Steven T. Baron

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